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  委托方: ____________________________(下称甲方)

  代销方: ____________________________(下称乙方)



  CONSIGNER: ___________(hereinafter called Party A)

  CONSIGNEE: ___________(hereinafter called Party B)


  Party A agrees to let Party B sell its proprietary stone products, namely: ___________on consignment basis.

  In order to specify the duties and responsibilities, legitimate rights and interests of both Parties, Party A and Party B both agree to the provisions herein set forth:

  1. 甲方提供产品样品和产品批发价给乙方。样品的摆设和产品的销售场所由乙方提供,乙方按实际销量向甲方进货。产品的零售价乙方有自定权。

  Party A agrees to supply Party B the product samples and wholesale price lists. Party B shall provide the sales venue and be responsible for the display of product samples. Party B shall purchase from Party A , the actual quantity sold, the retail prices shall be fixed by Party B.

  2. 甲方发货地点___________________________, 乙方的收货地点_________________________, 其间的运输费用由甲方承担。

  Product dispatching point of Party A____________________________ ,

  Product receiving point of Party B ____________________________

  Transportation charges between the two points shall be paid by Party A.

  3. 甲,乙双方按实际情况协商交货时限。

  Party A and Party B shall negotiate the delivery time based on actual situations.

  4. 甲方发货________________日内,乙方必须把货款汇至甲方指定帐号,甲方货款一批发价结算。零售价与批发价的差额归乙方所有。

  Within ________days after the dispatch of goods, Party B shall remit payment to Party A’s specified bank accounts. Payment of goods shall be based on wholesale prices and the difference in amount between retail and wholesale prices shall go to Party B.

  5. 代销期限:从________年_______月______日至_______年______月_______日止。在合同期满 30 日内,甲乙任何一方未对合同结束通知时,本合同自动延长一年。若合同期满不继续合作,乙方不得把代理的权利转给他人,本行业的相关信息也不能向第三方泄露,甲方收回所有未售商品。(包括样品)

  This consignment: Contract shall be effective from __________________________to _________________________.

  Within 30 days after the expiry date of this Contract, if neither Party A nor Party B receives any Contract termination notice, this Contract shall be automatically extended for one more year.

  In the event of both Parties agree to terminate the Contract after the expiry date, the consignment rights of Party B shall not be transferable, and Party B shall not reveal to third party ,all the confidence information relating to this industry. Party A shall recall all unsold goods (samples inclusive)

  6. 甲方给乙方的批发价是内定价格,乙方要作为商业机密进行保密。

  The wholesale prices supplied by Party A to Party B are trade secrets; Party B shall not reveal it to anyone.

  7. 甲方可根据原材料物价等的变动,变更产品的批发价格。在乙方订货前先行告知。

  Party A reserves the rights to adjust the product prices in accordance with price fluctuations of raw materials; but prior notice shall be given to Party B.

  8. 乙方要充分掌握甲方的产品知识,如因销售过程中对产品知识认识不足导致与客户间的纠纷,甲方不承担任何连带责任。

  Party B shall be well versed in product knowledge. Party A shall not be jointly liable for any sales dispute between customers and Party B arising out of this cause.

  9. 甲方在产品出厂前对质量进行严格的质量合格检验,甲方负责发货,在运输过程中如出现产品损坏,甲方按相关规定向承运方追究责任。乙方不承担责任。

  Party A shall perform stringent quality checks on all products before shipment. Party B shall not be responsible for any damages to products during transportation; Party A shall claim indemnities from the carrier according to regulations.

  10. 乙方销售场地、帐号和法人代表变动时,必须事前通知甲方。

  Prior notice shall be given to Party A by Party B in the event of changes in sales venue, bank accounts or its legal representative.

  11. 如果合同未规定的情况发生,或者合同条款解释有异议处,双方应有诚意地协商解决。如果本合同带来不可预知的纠纷,约定通过甲方所在地的仲裁机构进行解决。

  In the event of unspecified incidence, or conflicting interpretations to this Contract occurs, both Parties shall resolve amicably. Any unforeseen dispute arising out of this Contract shall be resolved by the regional arbitration organization of Party A.


  This Contract shall be effective with both Parties’ signatures and seals attached hereunder.

  This Contract is in duplicate, Party A and Party B shall hold one each.

  委托方(甲方)盖章: 代销方(乙方)盖章:

  CONSIGNER(Party A) Seal CONSIGNEE(Party B): Seal

  公司名___________________________________ 公司名称Company Name_ _______________________________________

  法人代表___________________________________法人代表Legal Representative ________________________________________

  公司帐号___________________________________ 公司帐号Bank Accounts________________________________________

  公司联系地址_______________________________ 公司联系地址Address_______________________________________

  公司电话___________________________________ 公司电话Telephone___________________________________

  E-Mail ____________________________ E-Mail_______________________________________

  合同签订日期:________年_______月_______日 签订地点:____________________________

  Contract Date : Contract Venue:



